Help organisations purchase EMIS Web Clinical Services or SystmOne for a Clinical Service such as Enhanced Access. Assist with obtaining Prescribing National cost centre codes (Y code), PDS, EPS and GP Connect - all essential for a clinical hub
Working with the CCG obtaining a Prescribing Cost Centre Code and Spurious (PPA ID) codes required for Electronic Prescribing and NHS Endpoints
Once the codes have been set up work with key contacts at EMIS Health or TPP to get the Hub active on the NHS Spine ready for testing
Work with the regions Registration Authority to create the required Smartcard Positions against the new Prescribing Organisation Code (Y Code)
Create the necessary Data Sharing Agreements for either EMIS Clinical Services (Care Record, Appointments, Tasks and Enterprise) and TPP SystmOne
Using Spine Dummy Patients from NHS Digital test all spine functionality work such as Smartcards, PDS, Care Record Sharing, Appointment Book sharing, EPS and more
Request and set up a MESH mailbox, obtain EDI code from NHS Digital and work with the partner laboratory to enable pathology links if required in the hub
Working with partners to configure Hubs with Appointment Book templates, Task Teams, Protocols, Document and Clinical Templates, searches, reports and much more...
Provide F2F training, provide webinars, create video guides, user guides and populate PCN websites with supporting material and useful guides
Set up and configure GP Connect for PCNs with hubs to manage a mixed estate of Emis Web and SystmOne GP Practices and if required, enable 111 direct booking into appointment books
Exploring digital options to support patient access to the Clinical Hub such as messaging, appointment management, prescribing, triaging, online-consultations and more...
Working with telephony providers to implement and support patient-practice communication across the Primary Care Networks, such as a PCN call centre and empowering patients to manage appointments via telephone